There are two possibilities, depending on how severe the forecast and how early the forecast develops. In extremis, such as a severe storm, we may cancel the trip and refund all customers.
Much more likely, the weather for a particular sail on one or two days of a trip will not be suitable or safe for the sailing planned for that day. In this case, we – the group – will discuss the options and come up with an alternative. The alternative may be sailing a different route or it may mean not sailing that day, instead of hiking or some other activity. This may sound like a very unfortunate circumstance, but in our experience, such alternatives always seem to be special and sometimes a true silver lining to the storm clouds.
It is an immutable law of the universe that plans involving sailing vessels must be flexible. Boats break, weather changes, bridges don’t always swing, etc. It may sound like a real problem, but in our experience, things will still work out. A delay may mean a different and new route which can be the source of the most magical and unexpected part of a trip. No matter what happens, we’ll do our best to make sure everyone has an unforgettable and positive adventure.
See also “What if the weather is too bad for sailing”
On a trip involving sailing, the skipper has the final say. On a hiking-only trip, the hike leader will decide if changes are required to the plan. There must be a final word on these matters but rest assured that our boat isn’t a “dictator ship.” We’ll discuss the situation and options as a group before any decision is taken.
All Sails & Trails staff have first aid training and we have some basic insurance policies in place; HOWEVER, you are required to have travel insurance to go on our adventures.
Yes. Travel insurance which covers the activities of the trip is required to go on the trip.
You are responsible for transportation to/from the boat in the case of sailing trips. We may be able to make suggestions, but ultimately this is up to you. In the case of hiking-only and other trips, we’ll provide specifics on where to meet and where we’ll finish (if not the same location).
This is often an option. As with all travel before/after the trip, the transportation is your responsibility, but we’ll always try to accommodate you. For example, a couple couldn’t make the departure on Saturday morning for a trip on the Caledonian Canal, but a short taxi ride brought them to the boat a little later that day. Similarly, if you have to bail early and can arrange transportation, we’ll try to work with you to make it happen. In some cases when we make these arrangements in advance, we may be able to discount your trip if you need to shorten it. Note that some trips are too remote locations where such accommodations will not be possible and you must be present at the appointed time and location (usually the boat) or risk the group leaving without you.
See also “Who arranges transport to/from the station/airport etc.”
Unfortunately, most of us do experience motion sickness from time to time on a small boat. Unless you’re sure this won’t be a problem for you, we suggest you talk to your doctor or pharmacist and bring medication and that you read and follow the instructions carefully. We have experience with this issue and a wide range of measures we can take to help you feel better.
Short of human cannibalism, we’re likely able to accommodate your diet, but it’s important that you let us know about such requirements at the time you book your trip.
No. We’re happy to informally teach you as much or little as you’d like to know and participate as much or little as you’d like but neither is required. On the other hand, if you’re an experienced sailor and keen to help that works too and we’re happy to share the sailing workload when this is safe to do.
Please see the specific requirements for your trip, but in general you won’t need anything special for the boat. We provide all the safety kit such as life vests. You should bring a good waterproof outer layer (top and bottom) and some footwear like trainers or sports sandals other than your hiking boots, but these are suggestions for extended non-sailing trips too.
That’s great you ask. Give us a ring and we’ll talk it through. One advantage of our multisport approach is that you have options. For example, if there’s only one hike you’re not sure of, you’ll likely have the option to just stay aboard and do some more sailing, fishing, or maybe just freestyle your own day hike around the boat. There’s flexibility, but please do have a chat with us if you have any doubts or concerns.
Nah, I’ve got a mate that’s sailed all over the place and can barely dog-paddle (yes, I’m thinking of you, Tim). There may be sometimes when much of the crew goes for a swim but it’s never a requirement and we’ve got some unobtrusive life vests you can use if it makes you feel more comfortable.
Of course. We have good life vests they have been inspected within a year, but you’re welcome to bring whatever you feel comfortable with as long as you’re mindful of the limited space.
See also “How much space is there for my kit/bags aboard?”
Right now we ask that you bring your own sleeping bag. We are looking into providing basic sleeping bags because we appreciate this is a bulky item to transport on public transportation or the overhead locker of a plane. We have some spare kit, so just give us a ring and we’ll work something out if you can’t bring or don’t have something.
Space on the boat is limited. On a maxed-out trip, six guests will be sharing three cabins and the skipper and hike leader sleep in the common area… it’s tight. That said, each cabin has a small locker with shelves for personal items and another for hanging clothes. Pack light, but don’t worry, we’ll fit everything.
This depends on the waters we’ll be sailing in. On the sea, no license is required. For the lochs and rivers of Scotland, a license is required, and we’ll provide more information before the trip.